Fabric Pest Control in Vancouver
There are a number of different kinds of insects that, in addition to moths, can cause damage to cotton, rayon, linen, and even synthetic fibres. Moths are the most common culprits.
The good news is that 1st Pest Control has the experience necessary to control these pesky insects and animals. Contact us today and request a free, no-obligation estimate.

How can 1st Pest Control help you?
At 1st Pest Control we specialize in pest and wildlife remediation. Fabric pests are prevalent throughout single family homes, multi-family buildings and commercial properties in the Lower Mainland. With industry-leading techniques and pest control methods, you can feel secure that your home or business is being treated to the highest industry and safety standards by our Certified Pest Control Technicians.
By combining both environmentally-friendly pest control services and an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, we will create a specialized treatment program tailored to your specific location and infestation. Our mission is to eradicate pests in your home or business to give you peace of mind and to ensure the safety of you and those you care about.
Fabric Pests
What do they look like?
✅ Include carpet beetles, black carpet beetles and furniture carpet beetles.
✅ Mature black carpet beetles are a solid black color, and their larvae are elongated and orange-brown.
✅ Mature insects from the other two species have black, yellow and brown patterning across their body that may transition to a solid color with age.
✅ Their larvae are generally shorter than black carpet beetle larvae and are bristly with brown patterning.
✅ Carpet beetles are around 1/8″, and their larvae approximately 3/16″ to 1/2″long.
Where do they come from?
✅ Fabric pests enter a building in search of a potential food source on which to lay their eggs.
✅ Their small size allows them to fly through small openings leading from the outside. Infested fabrics may also be unknowingly brought into a residence, leading to new areas of infestation.
✅ Beetles feed on nectar and are commonly brought indoors with plant cuttings.
Will they cause any damage to my home or business?
✅ The insects’ larvae, in particular, are responsible for the material damage seen on fabric.
✅ They can feed on a wide variety of materials that are primarily animal-based products (silk, wool, fur, feather and leather found in clothing, furniture coverings, draperies and other fabrics typically present in a residence.
✅ As fabric pest populations grow, damages from their feeding activity will be more noticeable and significant.
✅ Some fabric pests will feed on food consumed by humans.
Are there any health risks with these pests?
✅ Fabric pests, especially their larvae, are known to cause allergic reactions in some people, including skin and respiratory conditions.
✅ Symptoms commonly occur among individuals with long-term exposure to these insects.
Where do I find them in my home or business?
✅ Infestations are typically identified by the presence of larvae or their discarded casings or skin. As mature insects do not feed on fabric, they are not typically found near damaged material.
✅ Clothes moth are elusive and will hide from light and disturbance. Larvae and evidence of their feeding activity are commonly found in closets or dressers storing clothes not routinely used.
✅ They may also be concealed in the crevices of furniture and along the creases of fabric, such as carpet and clothing.
Why do I need to get rid of them?
✅ A large infestation of fabric pests may cause significant damage in a house.
✅ Fabric typically comprises a significant part of an occupied residence and include clothing, furniture, draperies, carpet, bedding, and numerous other items, all of which are susceptible to these insects. These damages may be become costly.
✅ Fabric pests are also known to cause allergic reactions in people creating a potential health risk, especially to those with long term exposure.
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