In Rodents

When you see mice or rat signs in your house, most people’s initial reaction may be to set out some bait traps. However, many people catch rodents in traps only to discover a few months later that there are more rats in their homes and must repeat the process. This is because they are not addressing the root causes of rodent infestations.

After you have successfully trapped mice and rats, you will still need to eliminate the rodents’ access to your home if you want to ensure that they do not return. In the event that this does not occur, the food and shelter that first drew them in will continue to do so, and you will be faced with a continuous problem that is both expensive and frustrating as you attempt to keep up with the rats who have found their way into your home.

What does “Rodent Exclusion Work” mean?

In order to access your property, rodents will look for a preexisting crack or crevice that they can fit through. This is because they are attracted to the smell of food and the warmth of your home. Surprinsingly, these holes can be as small as 1/4″ for mice and 1/2″ for rats to enter.

Common entry points for rodents

  • Cracked cladding (siding).
  • Foundation cracks, gaps between walls and foundation.
  • Roofs, vents, and fans that show some degree of damage.
  • Screens that are torn.
  • Sufficient space between walls, doors, windows and doorframes.
  • Accessible chimneys.

At 1st Pest Control we employ a method called “Exclusion” to rid your home of these unwanted guests. As its name suggests, the exclusion is a method of pest control that involves blocking off any potential entry points in order to prevent pests and rodents from accessing the area.

During the exclusion process, we will search for and seal any holes or spaces that could be used by rodents to gain access. For this purpose, we make use of physical barriers such as metal mesh, expansive foam and fill fabrics to cover the gaps ( Sometimes gaps may not be visible/accessible) and ensure that there is no opening that is big enough for a rat or mouse to enter. Exclusion work happens after rodents are erradicated, so to not disturb their patterns of activity (Create new holes / points of entry).


Physical Barriers along with traps to prevent rodent infestations

The elimination of rodents from your home will solve the underlying problem that mice and rats are causing. We place a higher priority on defending your house against all rodent incursions than we do on only addressing the mice that are already causing problems on your property.

In addition, the exclusion of rodents also includes the following:

  • Because exclusion focuses on “physical barriers” rather than chemical ones, there are no harmful items that may potentially affect your family or pets. This makes it safe for everyone in your household. You will not have to worry about setting traps that could injure either children or animals anymore.
  • Exclusion of rodents from a home reduces the need for catching and killing them in traps, making it a more humane method of rodent control.
  • Exclusion works for an unlimited time, in contrast to chemical preventatives, which may only be effective for a limited time before they need to be reapplied, and traps, which can eliminate rats that are already present in your home.

Our exclusion work strategy for controlling rodents involves doing routine services on a bi-weekly or monthly basis all through the year. This provides us with the ability to discover possible rodent entrances as they occur and instantly exclude rodents – ideally before any mice or rats are able to enter your home. Rodent exclusion from 1st pest Control will deliver the successful results you require if you have had problems in the past with permanently excluding rats from your home. Give us a call right now or contact us here if you need assistance with rodent exclusion in the Greater Vancouver area.

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